Did you know that, in 2011, at least 66 per cent of child passengers in car seats were not properly secured? That's pretty scary considering motor vehicle collisions are one of Ottawa's leading causes of injuries (Source: City of Ottawa).
But do not fear! There are resources to help you ensure that your child's car seat is properly installed! In fact, this weekend, there will be a clinic right in Bell's Corners:
BEST FIT Car Seat Clinic
January 19th, 1-4pm
Fire Station 43 (3845 Old Richmond Road)
$35 + HST
More information and registration: Ottawa Safety Council
If you can't make it to the clinic, S.E.A.T.S for Kids offers other clinics around the city for $30. Spots fill up quickly, and there is usually a waiting list.
Don't want to go to a clinic? There is lots of information online about car seat safety. The Canadian Forum on Car-seat.org is a great place to ask questions and get information from certified car seat installation technicians.
Other resources include: