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Building Rental

The LVCA manages the Lynwood Community Building, located at 7 Sycamore Drive.
For more information or to book the building, email rental@lynwoodvillageottawa.ca
Short term rentals for up to 3 hours are a fixed flat rate of $60.00, plus $20.00 per hour for each additional hour. Liability insurance is optional for low-risk activities. We accept e-Transfer only. See more information below.
Information to include in your email:
-Name, address and phone number of the person in charge of the booking
-Date and times for the event
-Type of event (eg. birthday party, baby shower, etc.)
-Number of people attending the event
-Whether or not alcohol will be available at the event (this wil affect the fee and you will need a permit from the LCBO, along with filling in additional paperwork).
You will have access to the main floor, kitchen, and washrooms. There are 10 tables and 38 chairs available for use. Please be careful with them so the floor doesn’t get scratched or damaged. There is a regular-size fridge, etc. in the kitchen.
Decorations are allowed; however, it cannot damage the facility or leave any marks. No Confetti please.
The building is used by the community and various community groups. Please leave or return any items that you have removed while decorating.
There is a tv and you are welcome to use it if you have something to connect it to. There is no cable and no internet on site.
There could be a small kids play structure in the corner of the room. It must be left intact and cannot be taken apart.
The building is a City of Ottawa property but is managed by a team of volunteer board members from the Lynwood Village Community Association. To ensure the cost to rent is accessible to the community, renters are required to do their part in cleaning.
1) Any surfaces and equipment used must be wiped down.
2) Take your boots off at the front door. Floor must be swept (and mopped if necessary). All cleaning supplies can be found inside a washroom stall.
3) All garbage, recycling, organics etc. must be removed from the site and taken home. There is no garbage pickup at this location. Please do not dispose of garbage in the park bins.
4) All lights must be turned off upon exit.
5) All windows and doors must be secured shut and locked. The rooms and building must be returned to the way it was before use.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE KEY and control who may enter your rental space during your rental time.
The building is located in a public park and there have been times where park users enter the rental space thinking it is open to the public.
When you pick up your paper contract from the mailbox please complete all spots marked with an X. The white and pink copies are for the LVCA and the City; the yellow copy is yours.
• 10 folding rectangular tables, 30 x 72 inches (0.75m x 1.83m)
• 38 chairs,
• Full kitchen with fridge, stove, sink, and microwave.
• No cutlery, plates or other cooking supplies are on site, if required please bring your own,
• Cleaning supplies and tools (under sink and in men’s washroom),
• Wheelchair/walker ramp and automatic doors,