Fun day of learning for the whole family
Exhibits, Vendors, Food, Free stuff and Hands-on activities
Saturday Apr 23, 2016 9am-1pm
3955 Old Richmond Road 613-820-8103
Free Admission Everyone Welcome
Exhibitors & Vendor
Blue Dot Ottawa, Recycled Natural Fabric creations, Fair trade coffee grounds, Training Support Dogs,
Hope for Orphans – Congo, Las Yahoskas – Nicaragua, Kiva - microfinance loans, Zero Building Waste,
Give your Computer a 2nd Life, Wildlife Diversity Paintings, Permaculture, Fairy Godmothers - making
teen girls' dreams come true and more...
Hand-on Activities
Plant exchange (indoor, outdoor, seeds, bulbs) bring something, take something home, Bike Taxi,
Milk Bag Crochet & Weaving, Upcycling Challenge (prizes), Recycling Challenge game, Make your own
Recycled Greeting cards, Family fun Pancake Breakfast (donation), Destination Imagination,
PopUp Swap: it’s a garage sale except everything is free, drop off and pick up
What to do before you come
Join the Upcycling Challenge (prizes), order a new rainbarrel or organic supplies, spring clean and bring
stuff you don’t need anymore, gather your e-waste, check the website for updates...
Satellite Locations
Centennial Public Library, Wild Bird Care Center and more ...
There are some great garden supplies available for purchase as well, the order form is available here: