Sunday, November 25, 2018

General Meeting Minutes 2018-11-17

Date: 2018-11-17
Location: Lynwood Village community building (7 Sycamore Dr)

Board members:
  • Jean-Luc Cooke (President)
  • Alisha Lagasi (Tresurer)
  • Tafline Tong (Booking Director)
  • Shannon Kenney (Secretary)

  1. Introduction of community association board members
  2. The floor is given to councillor Rick Chiarelli to discuss recent activities in Bells Corners
    1. There will be in-community meeting (date& location TBD) on 2 new proposed housing developments (on top of the Loblaws and another beside the rail tracks along Stafford)
      1. Height - 20 stories and 8 stories;
      2. No timeline yet, but possibly beginning summer 2019; will be rentals and options to buy;
      3. Possible ramifications for trailer park: depends if owner in Alberta wants to sell.
    1. Marilyn: can we get wi-fi in community building?
      1. Passed a resolution requesting it from the city. Jenny at the city will look into it. Need to go through official channels to city wi-fi provider.
    2. Strange box with antenna on a post at Longwood and Ridgefield:
      1. Someone else had mentioned it to Jenny (City) and she'll update JLC when she has more info. Possibly an external utilities pole.
    3. Transit from DND to Bells Corners:
      1. at city council will make the independent transit commission a committee of council as transit changes in BC are necessary.
    4. LRT phase 2 is delayed by 3 months
    5. Phase 1 delay due to:
      1. mechanical issues, falling cement, water in stations, software to model light rail is crashing + subject to hacking attempts
    6. DA Moodie campus (Marilyn): on NCC land.
      1. The school board hasn't declared the property surplus and won't sell it yet, because it falls on Anishnaabe land and there are a number of legal hurdles for the property. For the time being, it's still in the possession of the school board. 
  3. Tafline had to leave the meeting early. She will continue in her role. Marilyn offered to help, but it's best if one person does it so no communications are lost.
  4. JLC: rink maintainer is back, he's done it for 2 winters.
    1. will set up a text message chain for help when he's flooding the rink.
  5. JLC: There will be a park event in the spring (Fun Day?) to open the new park 
  6. Tristan to join board as director of communications (to help with our FB, email list, webpage)
Additional Questions from the floor:
  1. Marilyn: how to book the space : send email via the Contact Us page accessible from the webpage (
  2. We could put up a poster in the building on how to book the space
  3. Regular tenants: Bosnian dance group, BCCY, Girl Guides, Nursery school
    1. LVCA manages the building bookings to keep costs down for residents
    2. Would like to plan a winter family fun day but need volunteers. Past events have included: hot chocolate, chili cook off, Xmas party with movie
  4. Tristan: will do more collaborations with Westcliffe in the future to pair the resources 
  5. Mention of Wednesday afternoon socials (open events for residents)

Board position elections
  • Tristan: elected Director of Communications
  • Tafline: re-elected Booking Director
  • Shannon: will remain in contact with the board until park project is completed but in a limited capacity 
  • Alisha: re-elected as Treasurer
  • Jean Luc: re-elected as President
  • Grant Stein joined as Secretary / Director at Large
Presentation of Financials (can link to separate document with Financials)

Action Items: